How Payday Loans Work
Are you faced with an emergency situation and wondering how payday loans work and if they could help you out? We will explain it all for you. Understanding how this loan works is simple. If you qualify for this loan, you could get up to $1,200 to help you deal with your emergency expenses. At Title & Payday Loans, we can easily help connect you with our payday loan vendors that can help you understand payday loans. In fact, they are dedicated to helping you understand the definition of a payday loan so you can decide if this loan would be right for you!
What Is A Payday Loan?
So, what is a payday loan? Well, a payday loan helps bridge the gap between pay periods when you really need quick cash. But what does that mean? How does a payday loan work? While we ensure our payday loans FAQ page quickly answers that question, here is a longer explanation. Payday loans act like an advance on your paycheck to help you handle emergencies that need your immediate attention. Say your car suddenly stops working for you. This is the kind of emergency that needs your attention now, and can't wait until your next paycheck comes in. This is how payday loans work.
Let's be clear that you aren't getting the payday loan from Title & Payday Loans directly. However, what actually happens is that we connect you with one of our trusted vendors, and they will handle your payday loan. And once you have the payday loan, you'll repay it once your next paycheck comes in - which is usually in two weeks. The good thing is that this loan does not require you to put up anything as collateral. So if you don't have anything of significant value to use for a loan, you don't have to worry. Instead, they go by your income and your financial situation to determine if you qualify for payday advance loans.
How Do Payday Loans Work?
Are you still wondering how does a payday loan work? Well, when it comes to how payday loans work, you don't have to wonder for long. You start by going to the Title & Payday Loans website to complete the online form. We will then send that form to the nearest vendor. And if you'd like to know where our vendors are located, finding our vendors isn't difficult. All you really have to do is wait for them to call you or go to our payday loans locations page and just scroll to your nearest store. Here is a full breakdown of the payday loan process you'll go through.
Step 1: Gather Your Required Items
The first thing you need to do is gather the required items. Like with any loan, our vendors will need to see some required items before they can assess whether or not you qualify for approval. The good news is our vendors don't ask for a lot of items. In fact, they keep the list short and simple for you to remember and bring in with you. And we make sure to keep the list clearly posted on this webpage.
This is what you need to get a payday loan:
- Your driver's license or state-issued photo ID.
- The most recent pay stub you have.
- A blank check from an active checking account in your name.
Step 2: Fill Out The Online Form
Once you have the items gathered and ready to go, you can finally begin the process. Just go to our website and fill out the online form. This isn't the application, but it does allow us to safely send your contact information to the nearest vendor so they can give you a call. You should receive a phone call pretty quickly after you send the form, so keep your phone near you so you don't miss the call.
Step 3: Talk Over The Phone With Our Vendors
Once one of our vendors gives you a call, they will discuss the entire process. They will go over the required items to make sure you have the right things and answer any beginning questions you may have. This is also when they will schedule a meeting for you to come in with your required items. This meeting serves as the time when the store representative can see your items.
Step 4: Bring Your Items To The Meeting
When you finish with the phone call, make sure you know the address of the store you are going to and then just come on over! One of the store representatives will gladly sit down with you to go over your items and assess your financial situation. They will then decide if you qualify for approval and how much they can lend you.
Step 5: Find Out If You Qualify
If you are approved, they will finally go over the loan terms to truly make sure you understand how payday loans work. This is also the time when you can ask any remaining questions you may have about the loan or about the repayment plan. Once you've asked all your questions and you feel confident about this loan, you can sign the agreement and you'll get your money either that same day or the next bank business day.
Additional Payday Loan Information About Credit
One thing you should know about how payday loans work is you can still qualify for payday loans from our trusted vendors even if you have poor or no credit at all. The reason we don't look at your credit is because we use your income and your financial situation to determine if you qualify. And we also will not report your loan to any major credit bureaus! What does this mean exactly? Well, this means that taking out a payday loan with our vendors will not have a major impact - neither negative or positive - on your credit. So you can take out a payday loan without worrying about your credit.
Fill Out The Online Form For Payday Loans Right Now!
Now that you know how payday loans work, all you have to do now is get started! You know what items you'll need and what the process looks like, so don't hesitate any longer. Get the emergency money you need today by filling out the online form on our website!